Verloren – Samuel Adams

Verloren - Samuel Adams

A nice surprise. Try one!

When one mentions Samuel Adams you tend to think of bold lagers and hoppy ales. Then, I tasted Verloren.

An unflitered wheat ale from Samuel Adams, Verloren is a very enjoyable beer.  This beer is it’s all about subtly.

When poured the head was small and fizzy and it dissipated quickly. It left virtually no head lacing when the tasting was completed. The carbonation is soft, the clarity was hazy (it is an unfliltered wheat ale) and the color is a nice amber.

The aroma of Verloren is slightly  floral and you can pick up feint hints of clove.  When you take that first sip you can taste the hops and a little bit of the clove taste in the background. The sip is rounded out by the malt which results in a soft finish. This beer has a short finish that doesn’t linger on your palate.  The mouthfeel of this ale is velvety and is very enjoyable.

Usually, beers are brewed to showcase either hops or malt.  Verloren allows all ingredients to share the stage and play a part of the tasting experience.  To start off, the hops add the floral and spicy taste to the beer that are immediately followed by the yeast which lends that small hint of clove.  Then, the malt hits the stage by bringing a nice malty character to balance out the tasting which results a fine beer.

In closing I want to thank my friend, Ken who shared this bottle of ale with me.  Because beer is always better when enjoyed with a friend.

ABV = 6.0%

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Ales · Beer Reviews

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