The Brewscale Score
AROMA - 8.8
TASTE - 8.9
10 is perfection, and is almost unattainable. Anything below a 6 is undrinkable.
Deschutes Brewery has an IPA that is a tribute to the hop flower called Inversion IPA. Why do I says that? It actually says that on the bottle. Even if it didn’t, that is the conclusion that you would come to after you had it.
In the glass, Inversion has a copper body color that has a slight hazy to it. This is a bottle-conditioned beer so that is expected. The carbonation is soft and the head is large, off-white in color and frothy in texture. It dissipates slowly and settles to a thin layer after sitting. There is also a nice lacing left behind on the glass.
The aroma of Inversion IPA is a floral hop and citrus combination. Just by smelling the beer you know that it is going to be a flavorful IPA. The tasting to this brew bring flavors of pine, grapefruit and caramel notes from the malt. The hop flavor is controlled. It is bitter but not overpowering. The finish is a lingering but enjoyable hop bitterness that subtlety reminds you to lift your glass again and have another sip.
Inversion IPA is a nice beer and one that any who loves IPAs should try.
ABV = 6.8%