The Brewscale Score
AROMA - 8.6
10 is perfection, and is almost unattainable. Anything below a 6 is undrinkable.
Firestone Walker Brewing Company has an American Pale Ale that pays homage to the 31st state, California — aptly named, Pale 31.
Poured in the glass, Pale 31 is gold in color, sparkling clear, and little carbonation. It has a white foamy head that dissipates slowly and leaves behind a nice amount of lacing on the glass.
The aroma is grassy, floral hop and a nice citrus and piney aroma that is quite pleasant.
The flavor profile that I detect is biscuit and cereal from the malt, along with floral notes from the hops. As in the aroma, there is a citrus presence that comes through on the finish. The bitterness from the hops is subtle enough so that this allows the malt to show through also. It is a well-balanced brew. The finish is clean and crisp that lets you know that this beer is finely crafted. Pale 31 is an easy drinking beer that easily fits into the category of a session beer. This is one that I’d most certainly have again.
ABV = 4.9%