Kenzinger – Philadelphia Brewing Co.

Kenzigner from Philadelphia Brewing Company
Local breweries are the way to go to sample what is being created close to your home and to support a local company.  Today, is a review on Kenzinger from the Philadelphia Brewing Company. In the glass, Kenzinger has nice clarity and a gold body color with a medium carbonation. The head is fizzy in texture and white in color. Kenzinger has a noticeable citrus and floral hop aromas along with a malty grain.  The taste has notes of biscuit malt, grain and a balancing citrus hop bitterness that keep the malt in check.  It is a light-bodied brew that is crisp and refreshing.   Kenzinger is a session beer that allows you to have a few without feeling filled. ABV = 4.5%

The Brewscale Score

AROMA - 8.4
TASTE - 8.3



10 is perfection, and is almost unattainable. Anything below a 6 is undrinkable.


Local breweries are the way to go to sample what is being created close to your home and to support a local company.  Today, is a review on Kenzinger from the Philadelphia Brewing Company.

In the glass, Kenzinger has nice clarity and a gold body color with a medium carbonation. The head is fizzy in texture and white in color.

Kenzinger has a noticeable citrus and floral hop aromas along with a malty grain.  The taste has notes of biscuit malt, grain and a balancing citrus hop bitterness that keep the malt in check.  It is a light-bodied brew that is crisp and refreshing.   Kenzinger is a session beer that allows you to have a few without feeling filled.

ABV = 4.5%

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