The Brew Scale
AROMA - 9.3
TASTE - 9.5
10 is perfection, and is almost unattainable. Anything below a 6 is undrinkable.
Have you ever looked at a bottle of beer and thought to yourself, “This is going to be a great tasting beer”. My friend Stephen gave me a bottle of Flying Mouflon, a barrel-aged barleywine, brewed by Troegs Brewing Company and this was one of those times.
Flying Mouflan poured with a dark clarity and a ruby-brown body color. The head was rocky in appearance, light brown in color and dissipated slowly. The aroma of Flying Mouflon is that of dark chocolate and dark cherry with a boozy presence that lets you know that you will be having a complex beer. When taking that first sip of this barleywine, I am greeted with a chocolate malt flavor and caramel malt that is is then followed up with a dark Belgian candi sugar and stone fruit notes. As I drink it the alcohol is noticeable yet controlled. It is pleasant and is complimented with the wisps of vanilla on the finish. As this brew warms up, the caramel flavors become more pronounced.
Flying Mouflon is a superb beer. It has a strong personality that is trapped inside the bottle like a genie waiting to grant you your well-deserved wishes and satisfy your palate with its flavors of brewing goodness.
ABV = 11.7%